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Charity through Art

hand painted design on fabric

Iraqi Women Association Fund
Abaya designs for fashion show
modelled by my daughter Rana

hand printed design reads Tigress and Euphrates

 Palestine Solidarity Campaign
An installation from ties donated by the British journalist Jon Snow.

Instulation by colourful  ties donated by Jon Snow

T-shirt with Cuneiform writing 
fund raising for Iraqi orphans

T shirt design of Iraq map
 Liberty in Cuneiform on T shirt fund raising for Iraq
The cross and the cressent symbols of cohesion

​My weapon with ISIS.
 Cross & crescent. Noun. Campaign to renounce Ethnic and religious segregation.

noun symbol of cohesion

Tuk tuk fund raising campaign
in support of the OCT 2019
Iraqi Youth uprising 

fund rasing for Iraqi Youth uprising Oct 2019
Art expression workshop with Iraqi orphans
Art expression workshop with Iraqi orphans

Art expression
Work-shop in Baghdad

Contributed to Kunoze

UK Charity event in support of women causes 2019

Art expression workshop with Iraqi orphans
fund rasing for women in the UK
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